A term introduced by Froeschels in 1943, it consists of a number of guidelines to teach us how to take care of our voice in order to prevent voice disorders, quite common in people who use their voice for professional purposes. These are tailor-made programmes, focused on reviewing the harmful habits and customs and try to change or reduce them to obtain a healthy and comfortable conversational and professional voice. Hygiene standards should focus on: (a) Changes in lifestyle and habits (toxic, diet, stress, rest, hydration, etc.); (b) environmental changes (temperature changes, dry and noisy environments, etc.); and © reduction of vocal misuse and abuse (postural control, breathing and articulation; cough, throat clearing, whispering, etc.).
Behlau M, Oliveira G. (2009). Vocal hygiene for the voice professional. CKGE_TMP_i Current Opinion in Ootolarngology & Head and Nedk Surgery, CKGE_TMP_i 17; 149–154
Froeschels E. (1943). Hygiene of the voice. CKGE_TMP_i Archives of Otolaryngology CKGE_TMP_i , 38:122-30.